When I was a little girl growing up in the foothills of Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, CO, I used to pretend that I was a wild horse jumping logs, romping through the grass, and rearing in delight. Then I would pretend to be a horse trainer, taming and earning the trust of that wild horse and riding together on the wind.
Well, dreams do come true. With my very own $75 earned from every chore I could possibly find to do (earned at 50-cents-an-hour, the going rate when I was only 11 years old), I bought my first horse, a chestnut gelding with a white blaze, four white socks, and a thick red mane and tail.
His name was Brandy when I bought him, but I renamed him Zack to fit his zest and zeal. An Arabian x Shetland cross, he was all of 13 hands but he was FAST and fiery and he was mine! And we did ride wild and free like the wind!
I will write more about Zack in the future, but suffice it to say that he taught me then what as an adult I lost touch with because of adult programming, shame-based cultural messages, and life traumas, but what I am re-learning and teaching today, that true heart connection with a horse (and with ourselves and others) comes only when we get out of our analytical minds and disconnected way of life, take off our masks, become authentic, and return to the childlike inner-sense of our true selves.
Zack and all of the horses I have owned and encountered since then are my teachers. The latest of these is posing for you in the our photo above - Freyja, a Fjord x Paint who was mishandled and so distrusting I couldn't touch her. Now, we are so connected it feels like she reads my mind...actually my heart, when I am connected to my authentic self in mind, body, and spirit.
There is nothing I would love to do more than, through the Art of Horsemanship, introduce you to your own true, magnificent self - the carefree child at play riding wild and free on the back of your own beloved horse archetype - your own authentic power.
Come! A wonderful adventure awaits!