Connection-based Horsemanship
*All activities with the horses are conducted from the ground, no riding is involved.
Horsemanship is an extention of who we are and how we show up for ourselves and in our relationships. True connection is based on an unshakable bond of trust and it is the most solid and safest foundation you can have with your horse. Nothing compares to that magical feeling of oneness with your horse in body, mind, and spirit.
Horsemanship coaching offered by HCH will help you cultivate this bond of trust by helping you become aware of your own energy, be authentic in your horsemanship, and cultivate a trusting relationship as a foundation for whatever discipline or endeavor you undertake with your horse. (See more about my horsemanship background and approach on my "About" page.)
Browse our Services page to discover which horsemanship workshop, clinic, or individualized session is best for you.
I look forward to connecting with you about how Heart Connections Horsemanship can help you excel on your own journey of self-discovery.