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What is Experiential Learning?

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Equine-assisted experiential learning is a powerful modality for personal transformation and professional development. *All activities with the horses are conducted from the ground, no riding is involved, and no prior horse experience is necessary.


We learn best from wholistic experiences -- experiences where our bodies, minds, and emotions are connected and integrated in the learning process. It is a process that facilitates self-reflection and self-empowerment through practical activity or experience.


The Experiential Learning Institute states it this way: "Experiential learning describes the ideal process of learning, invites you to understand yourself as a learner, and empowers you to take charge of your own learning and development." 


Equine-assisted experiences are powerful because we experience them physiologically and somatically in this integrated and wholistic way.


Learning with horses is more effective than learning from a book or even from a ropes course or wilderness experience because horses are sentient and interactive beings whose authentic feedback enable us to see our true selves in the mirror they offer. Thus, they help us identify our limiting and self-defeating beliefs and to practice the change required for growth.


HCH's equine-assisted learning experiences are crafted using the best source material in the fields of experiential learning, personal growth, and professional development. Clients experientially learn about themselves. Workshop themes offer opportunities to learn present moment awareness, self-regulation, how to set clear boundaries, what it means to be consistent and accountable, how to provide effective leadership and communication, how to work as a team, how to better manage stress, what it feels like to anchor your nervous system in safety and well-being, and what it means to be authentic and congruent .... and there is so much more. 


Browse our services page to learn more about all the equine experiences HCH offers. Book a personal growth workshop, professional development workshop for your organization, or an individual private session today.  



I look forward to connecting with you about how Heart Connections Horsemanship can help you excel on your own journey of self-discovery.


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